Hey Everyone. This is Richard and welcome to my blog. My World Lit
class is doing a project called 20-Time. Basically it's a project where you
spend 20% of the class time working on a project about whatever you want and
one of the requirements is to make a blog detailing your project.
(For a complete description click here)
Now I decided to work with my friend on this and even together our
plan is a bit audacious. (You can find his a link to his blog on the side bar or here) We want to build a quad-copter. A good sized one. From
scratch. We're even designing and 3D-printing the frame ourselves. I should
probably mention that neither one of us have ANY experience with quad-copters.
Should be fun.
We've separated it
into a few parts:
1. Research
2. Design
3. Assembly
4. Testing/Debugging
5. Extras/Learn How To
Actually Fly It
So if you're an idiot
like us and want to jump into this head-first, you'll be able to make your very
own quad-copter. Hopefully.